Robin, Carla's friend since high school wrote this remembrance of Carla for her memorial service.
When faced with the task of reading through Carla's blog and choosing just a handful of her entries to read today, it seemed impossible-she's there speaking to us in every entry, each one a reminder of how hilarious and strong she was, how much she went through, every new piece of terrible news she received, every chemo and radiation treatment, every horrible pin prick, port insertion and stupid side effect.
We all know how hard Carla fought, every single moment of every day-that's why she entitled her blog "F*ck Cancer".
"My mission is to kick cancer's ass (if it has one, let's assume it does). Since I have yet to go to therapy, I figured I could talk to the inter web. I can only hope that my witty sarcasm will translate....well, who cares, I'm just her to f*ck cancer."
My hope is that through these chosen entries we can hear Carla's voice and her laughter as she's relaying these stories to us, and not focus on the fact that she died from cancer or think that cancer beat her, but that while she was alive she really did say Fuck You Cancer! I'm going to live my life to the fullest--no matter what you throw at me. Only Carla could make cancer this funny.
Robin chose the entries : Narcotics and Me and Happy Fuckin' New Year!!!!!
(written July 29, 2010 and January 2, 2011 respectively)